UC Berkeley is offering a new course on 'Game of Thrones'

2015-08-14 2,056

If you're a show-only Game of Thrones fan and have no idea what's going on, don't worry. Higher education is here to help.A new class in the University of California Berkeley's Film Studies program is devoted entirely to the HBO hit series, delving into its themes, theories and controversial aspects (like its portrayal of women).Elsewhere in the university, students who are super interested in Westeros can check out actual remains of dire wolves — the extinct North-American canine that inspired George R.R. Martin's creatures.UC Berkeley's course isn't the first of its kind in America, however. Northern Illinois University had an honors course about the series in spring 2015.If you're doubting the worth of all of this, remember that an HBO Go account is cheaper than the average college textbook by about $300.