臺灣美麗的百年廟文化藝術 The beautiful cultural art in Taiwan Temples of hundred years old
2014 年世界拍賣總收入前 500 名畫家中之前 155 名中國畫家
Top 155 Chinese artists among the Top 500 artists by world auction revenue in 2014
共 155 名中國畫家占前 500 名畫家之 31 %
Total 155 Chinese artists / 500 artists = 31 %
假如你是西方油畫的收藏家,扣除 31 % 的中國畫家,再扣除 20 % 左右的中國瓷器、青銅器、珠寶玉器、漆器雜項類中國作家,2014年你只是在世界作者市場 49 % 以內經營藝術品而已;可能再過10年,你將成為只是在世界作者市場 30 % 以內經營。
If you are a collector of western oil paintings, deducting 31 % for Chinese artists of paintings and further deducting 20% for Chinese artists of ceramics、bronze、jades and jewelry、lacquer and miscellaneous works of art, in 2014 you are only operating works of art within 49% of the world artists market. Maybe after 10 years, you might become operating works of art within 30% of the world artists market.
列名 作者姓名 拍賣總收入(美金) 拍賣件數 最高落槌價(美金)
Rank Artist Auction Turnover ($) Sold Lots Top Hammer Price ($)
Page 84 (14 Chinese artists) 第84頁14位中國畫家
列名 作者姓名 拍賣總收入(美金) 拍賣件數 最高落槌價(美金)
Rank Artist Auction Turnover($) Sold Lots Top Hammer Price($)
7 QI Baishi (1864-1957) 齊白石 206,245,348 719 7,861,850
9 ZHANG Daqian (1899-1983) 張大千 193,242,992 817 7,476,199
13 ZAO Wou-ki (1921-2013) 趙無極 115,686,349 575 7,161,650
16 FU Baoshi (1904-1965) 傅抱石 103,465,331 142 4,944,050
17 XU Beihong (1895-1953) 徐悲鴻 102,449,141 219 6,532,000
19 HUANG Zhou (1925-1997) 黃冑 96,461,998 625 5,506,020
20 HUANG Binhong (1865-1955) 黃賓虹 88,082,380 303 8,839,900
26 WU Changshuo (1844-1927) 吳昌碩 80,942,833 560 5,463,850
31 LU Yanshao (1909-1993) 陸儼少 66,350,196 443 1,925,760
32 LI Keran (1907-1989) 李可染 65,946,710 207 7,294,500
37 CHU Teh-Chun (1920-2014) 朱德群 60,897,598 241 3,800,000
38 WU Guanzhong (1919-2010) 吳冠中 60,623,435 153 2,967,000
42 LIN Fengmian (1900-1991) 林風眠 54,514,729 253 2,449,500
50 ZENG Fanzhi (1964)曾梵志 43,080,328 50 3,606,400
資料來源: 法國 Artprice.com S.A. 2014 年全世界藝術市場報告書第 84-93 頁 2014 年全世界拍賣總收入結果前 500 名畫家.
Source: The Art Market in 2014 Page 84-93 Top 500 artists by auction revenue in 2014 by Artprice.com S.A.
Taiwan Web Museum
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Mr. Orion Hsu & Brothers (徐氏兄弟珍藏文物)
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