Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 7.

2015-08-14 9

Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 7.

Chapter 17


Just then His Labourers returned and were surprised to find Him talking with a woman. But no one asked, "what do you want?" or "Why are You talking with her?" That is, Jesus and the Samaritan woman were locked in such a serious philosophical discussion that even His Labourers dare not interrupt it. Then, leaving her water jar (for Jesus and His Labourers to enjoy), the woman went back to the town and said to her people, "Come, see a Man Who told me everything I ever did (possessed, the religious achievements). Could this be the Christ?" The pneumatics are “solitary” and they do not impose their own findings upon the others but let them find it out by themselves through holy spirit.

They came out of the town and made their way towards Him. This gesture of welcoming Jesus amply reflects that the people of this town were very sensible people of high spiritual values and did not wait for Jesus, the Fountain of Living Water, to go to them but rather they went out towards Him to greet and to welcome Him into their humble village. In other towns, people did not come out to greet Jesus and if they did so, it was mostly to get their sick people healed. Whilst the people of Sychar did not come out to greet Jesus for the sick but to honour a highly knowledgeable Person, the anointed High Royal Priest of God, the Light of this Dark Age in the name of "Jesus".

Meanwhile, His Labourers urged Him, "Rabbi (Peter used to address Jesus as Rabbi whilst the others as Brother), eat something." But He said to them, "I have (spiritual) food to eat that you know nothing about." Then His Labourers said to each other, "Could someone have brought Him food?" "My food," said Jesus "is to do the Will of Him Who sent Me and to finish His work. Do you not say, "Four months more and the harvest?" I tell you, open your (spiritual third) eyes and look at the fields (hearts of the people); for they are "white" (Clean-hearted people with no speck of evil spirit) already to harvest." The last words, "for they are "white" already to harvest" beautifully reflect the character and religious achievements of the people of Sychar. Now, the physical crops when they are ready for harvesting take on a golden yellow colour. Therefore, the crop Jesus is talking about here is not the physical one but the spiritual human crop of hearts and the "white" colour signifies that the people of Sychar were religiously pure and clean at heart and not like the dirty-hearted people of Judah tribe, the Lost Sheep, the blasphemers. To my best knowledge of the N.T., Jesus never spoke so well of people as that of these in the whole of His missionary work.

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