Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 5.

2015-08-14 7

Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 5.

Chapter 17


Now, let us interpret the relevant section of the Parable John 4:-

He told her, "Go, call your husband and come back." "I have no husband," she replied. This is just a dialogue to stress that when you are a victim of any of the Five temptations of heart, then that temptation dominates you as a wife is dominated by her husband. As we are aware of the Samaritan people have a very high moral and spiritual standards and the woman was Free of the domination of the Five spiritual Husbands that dominate your heart. Such Gentiles formed the 99 Sheep that were already in the Fold of our Father. Christ Philip said, “A Gentile never dies for he does not live to die”.

Jesus said to her, "You are right when you say you have no husband." In this statement, Jesus clearly confirms the purity of heart of the Samaritan people and that is why Jesus called the Samaritan people, a “White Crop” ready for harvesting by Christ Jesus. "For you have had five husbands (those were 1. Lust for sex, or immorality with no conscience. Samaritans being the generation of Joseph, the only faithful son of the twelve Patriarchs to Abraham and Yahweh had very high moral standards that made the generations of other eleven crook brethren very jealous; 2. anger, which dominates the natural men of flesh or the hylics, she had overpowered it through holy spirit and she was not a fool but sensible enough to engage Jesus, a Person of Holy Spirit, into a deep religious discussion that even the Labourers of Jesus were spell-bound not to interrupt; 3. Greed she overpowered by leading a simple contented life; 4. Worldly attachment she had overpowered by having lessons in “Oral Torah” from their ideal Rabbi; and 5. haughtiness of her religious knowledge was subdued by holy spirit or logical reasoning through which she was understanding Gospel), and the man (pride of religious knowledge in spirit and not through the dead letters of the Books as the Jerusalem Temple Priests were having) you are now living with is not your husband (is not dominating you either as those of the theologians of Letters in Jerusalem. She was enjoying the Discussion to her heart’s content. Jesus never met a person of her spiritual calibre in his Ministry). What you have just said is quite true." That is, she was a Saint, who was morally and spiritually sound.

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