《我要做波士 Who's The Next Boss》入围参赛者 Alvin Chan

2014-08-26 4


很吸引吧?没错,这就是我们的第四位入围者所要带出的企业概念 – FREƎ SHOP 免费商店。“其实,这个概念源自于儿时,我曾经踏入一家玩具店,看见一款自己很喜欢的玩具,可是价钱很贵,所以没买成。”他说。



那么,FREƎ SHOP是如何运作的呢?对于商家,他们必须提供新产品样本,同时支付一笔服务费。FREƎ SHOP就会进行推广活动,同时也会在社交网站打广告。至于顾客方面,他们在索取免费的产品以前,必须登记成为会员,每年支付少量的会员费,就可以365天都免费索取产品样本,唯一的条规就是相同的产品只可索取一次。

此外,FREƎ SHOP也会收集顾客的回馈资料,提供给商家,以累积一个数据库。


我是不会以免费来作为出发点,因为那会让人有一种很轻易获得的感觉。”Chatime的首席执行员Bryan Loo说。



Zalora的营销总监Luca Barberis觉得这是一项有趣的企业概念,因为人人都喜欢免费的东西。不过,他也提出几项必须要注意的事情;第一,FREƎ SHOP所提供的免费产品是否符合它所锁定的顾客群?第二,市面上有许多宣传的管道,为何商家要选择FREƎ SHOP,到底它有什么比较优胜的地方?第三,他建议在不同的管道带入不同的广告计划,如电视、电台或杂志,以达到更好的营销效果。


Yes, that’s the business concept our fourth finalist, Chan Mun Wai wants to bring to the table – FREƎ SHOP. “The idea first came to my mind when I was a kid, stepping into a toy shop one day looking at a toy that I love so much; I didn’t buy it because it’s too expensive for me,” he said.

Since then, one question kept playing in his mind, “What if the toy is not as interesting as I thought and I get bored with it, can I return it and get a refund?”

That small thought finally led him to put his business proposal on paper and entered the “Who’s the Next Boss” contest. So, how does FREƎ SHOP work?

For the business owners, they will provide free samples to FREƎ SHOP, together with a service fee. In return, FREƎ SHOP will do the marketing and advertising, online and offline. As for the consumers, they just need to register as a member, pay a small annual fee and they can get any samples they like throughout the year. The only condition is, they can’t take the same samples more than once.

Besides, FREƎ SHOP will also collect feedback from the consumers and provide it to the business owners whenever there is