Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 2.

2015-08-13 7

Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 2.

Chapter 17


Here are the details of those Five temptations of heart, the robbers:-

1. Lust for sex or immorality called Kaam (Ego) in Panjabi that can tempt you to commit such immoral acts as fornication. King David became the victim of this husband when he committed adultery with the wife of his Captain. It is the temptation in which the lust of "flesh" (secular world) dominates. "Shame" or conscience being the foundation of religion is acquired by overpowering one's lust for sex through the determination of one's heart.

2. Anger called Karodh (Ego) in Panjabi that hinders and impairs one's logical Reasoning capabilities and, therefore, it is not beneficial or helpful in the understanding of the Spiritual Principles of life i.e. "His Word" called Logos that a wise man led by "Holy ghost" may try to impart to a once-born simpleton through logical Reasoning.

This is the dominating weakness of the once-born "hylics" (Ecclesiastical world), who are led by "Ego" and, therefore, they are incapable of understanding the matters of "spirit". Thus, the simpletons being incapable of understanding the logic of Spiritual Principles, they normally get angry in order to cover up their ignorance when a sensible person of holy ghost may dare to preach them the abstract "Word of God" through heart-to-heart logical discussions. Such anger due to spiritual ignorance was displayed by the once-born arrogant Peter in Matt.16.22 and 23: Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. "Perish the thought, Lord", he said, "This shall never happen to You". Jesus (knowing that as the result of Peter becoming "arrogant", anger has entered the otherwise pure of heart Peter) turned and said to Peter, "Out of My sight, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; you do not have in mind the (abstract) things of God (His Will), but the (concrete) things of men."

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