Taiwan Dating Culture - Taiwan Dating Scene

2015-08-11 17

Intercultural Dating While Living in Taiwan

After moving to and living in Taiwan, if you aren’t already married or dating someone, establishing a social life is inevitable. While there is always the chance that you may end up finding a boyfriend or girlfriend with a similar background as your own, chances are that you will end up in an intercultural relationship.

When I moved here, that was not even remotely part of the plan. I have several friends who had similar plans and experiences, but I also have friends that came for a year, had differing opinions of their first year, and moved home.

In my very humble opinion, living in Taiwan and dating in Taiwan is as easy or difficult as you want to make it. It’s all part of the experience of moving to a new place, and it’s better to do what you can to make it enjoyable.

If any women reading this would care to chime in on their experiences with dating in Taiwan in the comments section below this post

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