'Drunk' man fights lamppost in Belfast

2015-08-10 16

A bizarre video has emerged from Belfast, Northern Ireland of an apparently 'drunk' man fighting with a lamppost in the street in the middle of the day.

The footage, shot at the end of December 2014, shows the man hitting and fighting with the inanimate object before eventually kissing it and making up.

According to the filmer, the man had previously been seen talking to a bottle of drink before kissing the lampost, falling out and fighting with it then kissing it again.

The filmer, an employee at the cafe it was shot from, later wrote online: "There is an off-licence beside my work and this man got a bottle of some sort from there. And stood outside laughing at the bottle. And talking to it.

"This all went on for 45 minutes. Then he set down his drink. And started laughing at the lamp post. And started to hug it and kiss it. Then he fell out with it.

"I saw him doing karate moves so I decided to start recording."