Finger Dance and Tech Deck at the Skate Park

2015-08-10 19

A Tech Deck Fingerboard Finger Skating and Finger Break Dance video from the popular original Fingers Breakdancer: lilach chen. This Channel features many popular Fingers Skateboard/ Fingers Breakdance videos, with finger shoes, backed with Hip-hop - Urban feel - Dance music.

" I've been training to become better at finger skateboard with a Tech Deck, So I went to the best skate park I could find, got on the fingerboard and started training (After failing on my previous Tech Deck video)

This skating park is cool, it's has a large, urban skating ramp, filled with many other skatboarders and it's lots of fun going skating there and enjoying good hip-hop music

Hope you guys will like it!
Check out the new shoes :)
And a big thanks to Wave for the cool Hip-Hop music! "

Filmed & directed by Givon Snir
Editing and Fingers by Lilach Chen