A White Calcified and suddenly Carbonized Baby Dinosaur Fossil 《I have teeth》 白色鈣化的瞬間碳化小恐龍化石《我有牙齒》

2015-08-08 31

地球某處白色鈣化小恐龍化石 命名為《我有牙齒》
A White Calcified Baby Dinosaur Fossil named《I have teeth》at somewhere on Earth

Not for Sale (For Museum Exhibition Only)

地球某處白色鈣化小恐龍化石 命名為《我有牙齒》 A White Calcified Baby Dinosaur Fossil named《I have teeth》at somewhere on Earth ︰

尺寸 Size: 高 H 7 x 長 L 53 x 厚 Depth 12 公分 cm


此小恐龍之四腳成逃命奔跑姿態, 應是先由火山爆發時所產生高達攝氏300度的高溫火山灰所瞬間覆蓋, 使其皮膚碳化如義大利龐貝古城內維蘇威火山大噴發當時約20具罹難者軀體, 再經由數千萬年或是數億年的鈣化而成為白色軀體.

The unique baby dinosaur body fossil ever discovered in the world nowadays:

The four feet of this baby dinosaur were running for surviving from perils. It should have been suddenly covered by the volcanic ash at so high as 300 degrees centigrade thermometer from the volcanic eruption and its skin was carbonized as the 20 victim-citizen-bodies in Pompeii Italy during the great Mount Vesuvius volcanic eruption. It was further calcified after several ten or hundred millions years and became a white calcified body.


1. 此小恐龍軀體化石是最佳且唯一的抽取遠古 aDNA 基因的樣本, 可供研究遠古 aDNA 基因之存活率及衰退期. 而此正是從事研究遠古 aDNA 基因科學家及法醫病理學者專家長久以來所遭遇到遠古 aDNA 基因及其衰退期的探索中心.

2. 以前所發現的恐龍軀體化石都僅只是沒肉, 沒皮, 沒外觀的骨骼及骨架. 牠們的外觀僅是科學想像, 且皮膚顏色亦是不明. 而此小恐龍軀體化石已經明確地展現出牠的外觀及白色皮膚. 此小恐龍是否與居住在北極圈的北極熊一樣地白色? 此小恐龍是否跑的與在赤道區域狩獵的花豹同樣地快? 此小恐龍異常巨大的牙齒是否讓牠成為地球上之無敵獵食者?

Subject case researches about ancient dinosaur:

1. This baby dinosaur body fossil is the best and unique sample to be extracted for its ancient DNA (aDNA) to study the questions of aDNA survival and rate of decay those have been central for a long time to scientists engaged in aDNA research, and also in forensic cases where old and degraded DNA is encountered.

2. All the dinosaur body fossils ever discovered before are just bones and skeletons without meat, skin, and their appearances. Their appearances are just scientific fictions with unknown skin colors. This baby dinosaur body fossil has given people a certain appearance with white skin color. Was this baby dinosaur as white as a polar bear living at the Arctic Circle? Was this baby dinosaur running as fast as leopard hunting at the area of celestial equator? Were its extraordinarily huge teeth making it to be an overwhelming hunter and meat-eater on earth?

Video 視訊影片


Taiwan Web Museum
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Mr. Orion Hsu & Brothers (徐氏兄弟珍藏文物)
Private Museum preparatory office

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