Dietitian career- How to become a Nutrigenomics Dietitian

2015-08-08 10

Interested in Nutrigenomics & Personalized nutrition? read more on our introductory webinar here:

In my previous video I discussed what the emerging field of nutritional genomics (NGx) is and how this may impact on how we provide nutritional recommendations in the future. And whilst it is not mainstream yet, there are already RD and nutritionists who have integrated NGx into their practice, myself included as one of them. The title is certainly not defined yet. Some have integrated it as part of functional approach, I on the other hand have gone more the industry consulting route so I would not call myself a functional dietitian, but you know for the purpose of this video, I will call it a NGx RD.

Online courses: Australia,

On demand: webinar recording

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Dietitians in integrative and functional medicine