《爸爸去哪儿3》第5期20150807: 萌娃“小鬼当家”智斗包租婆 Dad, Where Are We Going S03EP5: Landlord Challenge【湖南卫视官方版1080p】

2015-08-07 11

本期精彩 - 刘烨缺席霓娜代父出征,诺一化身霸道总裁开启360°无死角护妹技能!
Dad Where Are We Going 08/07/2015 Highlight: Liu Ye’s daughter Nina helps dad to go on the show. Nuoyi takes care of his sister with full effort.

Hunan TV's most popular show series "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 3 finally arrives! The show features 5 celebrity dads bringing their lovely kids to go on a new travel adventure in a father-child bonding and cultural experience. "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 3 will definitely crack you up all the time, while making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. This show will feature Liu Ye, Hu Jun, Zou Shiming, Lin Yongjiang, Christopher Downs, and their respective sons whose names are listed below:

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