Turkish air strikes lead Iraqi Kurds to ask PKK to leave

2015-08-02 58

Iraqi Kurds have urged the separatist forces of the PKK to leave northern regions of the country as the civilian death toll from Turkish airstrikes increases.

The president of Iraq’s Kurdistan region condemned Ankara’s bombardment of the village of Zargala. Local media reported eight people casualities.

Turkey claims that around 260 Kurdish fighters have been killed since raids began last month. Turkish forces have also been carrying out air strikes on ISIL targets in Syria.

The campaign has raised suspicions among Kurds that Turkey’s real agenda is to ensure that Kurdish territorial ambitions are halted rather than fighting Islamic State militants. Ankara has denied the claims.

Meanwhile, police fired tear gas and used water cannons to disperse protesters in the mainly Kurdish city of Diyarbakir in southeastern Turkey.

The demonstrators were attempting to march for peace and called for an end to military operations. The crowd were also seeking the release of PKK leader Ab