Book - Chapter 13:- The Chosen People of Yahweh for demonstration to all - 9.

2015-07-30 5

Book - Chapter 13:- The Chosen People of Yahweh for demonstration to all - 9.


Remember that man cannot produce weapons or act without the "Will of God" and, therefore, the present technological developments are taking place according to the "Will of God", which Jesus has outlined crystal-clear in the New Testament and those who shall take to sword shall be killed by that very sword.

Finally, it is very difficult indeed to do justice to such an interesting and instructive subject in such a short space. I cannot write everything in detail as the things of spirit are for the sensible people only; the main reason for Jesus not proclaiming His Christship to the general public.

I also must stress that some of the Jews of spirit, like the "centurion" of spirit, whose servant was sick, are nice and very frank in admitting that they were turned out of their Promised Land because they had become un-faithful to Abraham and Yahweh by becoming Jews outwardly of flesh and not inwardly of spirit that the very Noble Abraham possessed. Angel Stephen sitting in the Seat of John, the Baptist praised the Nobility of Abraham but the sons of Most High Al-Aksa were putting fingers in their ears and grinding their teeth to kill him. He warned them that do not make fake sons of Abraham through circumcision, the Tribal Mark of Abraham to Isaac and his “seed by semen” only. But they were circumcising the Gentiles and the children born to the daughters of “Chosen People” after marrying a Gentile producing Fake sons of Abraham that today have become their blood thirsty enemies. Iran, India, Pakistan, etc. are full of these fake sons of Abraham produced by these clever Jews by joining the folds of Mohammedans. Kippa, Halal (Kosher) and circumcision are typical examples of Jewish leaven. In Christianity, Kippa and the deadly poison Old Testament succeeded.

But in the Royal Kingdom of God, it is never too late to repent and be saved in the manner of Lot. So, please take off your veils of arrogance in "letters" from your faces and be humble in spirit to perceive the caressing favours that Yahweh has already bestowed upon you for being His most favoured “Chosen People”. Remember that to whom more is given, more is expected from him too!!!

In Jesus, Divine Love (Agape) and not hatred is our base in Preaching Gospel. Therefore, the people of world should show a great sympathy towards the "Chosen People" for the sacrifices and sufferings they had underwent in order to demonstrate to us the "Will of Yahweh" in protection when you are faithful to your tribal forefathers.

Messianic Menorah

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