Book - Chapter 13:- The Chosen People of Yahweh for demonstration to all - 7.

2015-07-29 9

Book - Chapter 13:- The Chosen People of Yahweh for demonstration to all - 7.


Here, it is also worth mentioning that the reason for Jesus choosing the twelve close-circle Labourers was that they will be perfect in the "works" represented by the seven candles of Menorah i.e. in the name of John, the Baptist, an ideal Priest of Moses, and their hearts shall be pure of the five specific spiritual limitations - refer to John 4 – which I will explain in Trinity. Thus, we have 7+5=12, the perfect number that signifies that the Labourers of Jesus shall be capable to explain the moral laws of Moses in the Light of “Oral Torah”, which is “His Word”. Thus, the twelve tribes of the Jacob or the Jews of flesh, the Tares, have nothing to do with the twelve Labourers of Jesus. The Twelve were also represented by the twelve stones of the Breast Plate of the Temple High Priest that he could explain the Scriptures in the Light of Oral Torah as Jesus at 12 demonstrated to the Temple Priests working for Yahweh when He stayed behind in his heavenly father Yahweh’s House during a Passover Pilgrimage. This is another example of the corruption of the New Testament.

After the destruction of Temple, the un-faithful to God Jews of flesh had no right to live in the "Promised Land" of Yahweh as it had happened on the previous occasions. So, they were kicked out of their "Promised Land" mercilessly. The nature of the final treatment that God shall render to such arrogant and un-faithful to Yahweh people is described by Jesus in Matt.13.24-30. In this Parable, the Farmer is Yahweh, the creator of male and female, people who are faithful to Abraham/Adam, the "sons of Man", are the "wheat plants" that bear Fruit whereas those who are un-faithful to Abraham/Adam, and thus to Yahweh, but faithful to Satan or Mammon as the super bastard fanatic devils, are described as "tares", the trouble-makers. Today, this Parable has taken practical shape and the Jews of flesh, the Tares, are getting bundled up for the Final Burning expected soon after May, 2018 when Israel shall be 70 years old. Then, no more protection for Israel by the other countries especially USA. Thus, Jesus generates True Divine Love (Agape) among the "sons of Man" whilst Mammon creates hatred and killing.

Now, our 1000 years are equal to one Day of Lord Yahweh and, therefore, 2000 years will make two Days of Brahma/Lord. Also, Christ Jesus sowed the Seed of "His Word" among the hearts of people almost 2000 years ago and, therefore, on the Third Day, Jesus should send His Angels to reap the "Crop" that is outlined in Matt.13.24-30: "That at the end of Age (KAL YUG), I will ask my Angels to bundle-up the "tares" and burn them".

The present collection of the Jews of flesh in Israel is this very process of bundling-up of the "tares" and Yahweh will protect them for 70 years to May, 2018. But anyone who will take to Jesus in spirit shall be saved as Lot was saved from the hell of Sodom and Gomorrah. Thus, the blind Rabbis that led the blind out of the Jerusalem in 70 A.D. have brought them back to harvest the Fruit of Terrorism that they Planted 2000 years ago by killing Jesus, the Lamb of God.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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