Book - Chapter 13:- The Chosen People of Yahweh for demonstration to all - 6.
In fact, a hireling of Mammon commits an act of "treason" if he preaches the Gospel of God instead of the atrocities of Mammon. Thus, none of the Apostles of Jesus was a "hireling" and St. Paul, if he had to stay longer than usual earned His own living by making tents. However, let us return to our main theme, the "Chosen People".
Thus, Christ Jesus came among His own Chosen People but they maltreated Him in the manner outlined by Him in the Parable of the "wicked husbandmen" Matt.21.33-46, the Parable of the Winepress, the Temple. Whilst in Matt. 23.34-39, Jesus counts some of the favours that God had rendered to the Chosen People and describes how arrogantly they reacted to such favours of God. As the Jews of flesh drunk with the old wine of the letters rejected Christ Jesus, the very Son of God, God displayed His anger against such arrogant and un-faithful to God people by destroying their Holiest of Holy Temple in the world in 70 A.D. Thomas Logo 71: Jesus said, "I shall destroy (this) House (Jerusalem Temple), and no one will be able to re-build it". Many attempts were made to re-build the Temple but mysterious fire coming from foundations prevented the re-building.
Why the destruction of Temple in 70 A.D.? This is based upon the significance of Menorah that is the focal point of the moral teachers of Moses. Menorah has seven candles, the middle one corresponding to God which is kept at level with the other six as long as the Priests of Moses remain efficient in “Oral Torah” but after they had become corrupt that is represented by the "old cloth (Scriptures) developing holes (corruptions)", and Christ Jesus, the anointed Royal High Priest (Christ) of God appears to create the Royal Priests and Royal Kings, then the middle candle of God, the Lord of Sabbath, is raised above the other six in honour of Christ Jesus, also called the Lord of Sabbath or the King of the Jews.
Further, a religious person longs for ten religious qualities based upon 3+3+3+1=10 i.e. the 9 religious qualities are acquirable by people through "works" whilst the tenth quality is received by the Grace of God only. The "Tenth Quality" is also represented by the "Tenth Golden Gate" (DASAM DAWAAR) situate eastwards of Jerusalem that is sealed because It is only opened by the Grace of God. Thus, we have 7 times 10 = 70 and this is also the number of Sanhedrin members forming the quorum.
Also, Jesus had 70 outer circle Labourers who were sent in pairs to cure the physically sick people, the part of normal duties performed by the Priests of Moses. They were sent in "pairs" because this physical or secular world of flesh is of the pairs whereas the spiritual or Celestial world of spirit is for the "solitary" - refer to the Parable of narrow and wide gates and Solitary Sadhu Melchizedik. Further, among these Seventy some went ahead of Jesus in pairs to baptise Jewish men in water in the name of Abraham before Jesus went there to deliver Gospel to the sons of Abraham. None of the Close Circle Labourers baptised anyone in water as they were being trained for our Supernatural Father for Preaching Gospel.
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Much confused Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Could anyone make a better job of my T-shirt design?:-