Book - Chapter 13:- The Chosen People of Yahweh for demonstration to all - 5.
Typical example of a person who was drunk with the old wine of "letters" was "Saul" who later on became Apostle "Paul". Saul was an ardent student of Rabbi Gamaliel, an old scholar of the Scriptures. He obeyed the moral laws of Moses by the "letters" and un-like the other Jews of flesh, he did perform acts in accordance with the moral laws of Moses. For devotion to Yahweh, he was leading a celibate life and, therefore, there was no question of immorality with him.
Thus, Saul was morally sound and faithful to Yahweh with great inclination towards our supernatural Father God but he being a Disciple of Gamaliel was made drunk blind with the old wine of "letters". Because of his clean heart and devotion towards God that Christ Jesus came into his life and shook off his old wine of the "letters" through the Damascus miracle of Lightening. The degree of blindness that the "letters" had caused in him towards "spirit" is best sensed through the thickness of scales that came off his eyes. For Saul, it was a new birth in "Spirit" and, therefore, he changed his name from "Saul", the once-born bound Disciple of Rabbi Gamaliel to "Paul", Son of the Most High. More on changing his name would be explained in the exposition of Matt. 19, the Parable of Marriage and Divorce.
Taking into consideration the above, the present theologians of "letters" in the universities and colleges are doing a great deal of harm to the Christianity of Jesus by producing the blind "Sauls" drunk with the old wine of "letters" of both the old and the New Testaments and thus creating a far greater spiritual blindness (super donkeys carrying holy books) than that which St. Paul had experienced. And if you can realise that Christ Jesus came into the world because the manly Priests or the moral teachers in the name of Moses had become corrupt - Thomas Logo 102: Jesus said, "Woe to the Pharisees, for they are like a (greedy) dog sleeping in the manger (Synagogues) of oxen (hard working honest people), for neither does he eat (cannot understand Gospel) nor does he let the oxen eat (ordinary people who can understand Gospel)".
Christ Jesus being our living Mediator between us and our supernatural Father God through “His Word”, we do not stand in the need of any manly interposer such as the present Pope, false fathers, bishops, The reverend, etc., the super hypocrites.
We being the children of Light are Royal Priests and Royal Kings of living God of the living present. Then by comparing the present dead in letters hireling clerics with the corrupt and blind Pharisees and Sadducees in the name of Moses, you will come to the conclusion that the present clerics are far worse off than those blind guides of the blind – Matt. 12v43-45.
Thus, the present clerics are the people, who are worst of all the drunk with the old wine of "letters", and therefore, they are most incapable of taking the New Wine of Spirit on top of it. Thus, the best Labourers of Christ Jesus are the ordinary working class people with inclination towards God. Remembering that you cannot sell something that you have received "Free", "His Word" is received "Free" and, therefore, It is to be preached "Free". The act of receiving free and giving free is called a "Royal" act. Therefore, the present hireling clerics of Mammon are neither the Royal Priests called the "Christs" nor they are the "Royal Kings" in that they are mostly the greedy parasites (dogs) of churches which they have turned into the social clubs of Mammon and that are nowhere near the serving and sharing communities of Christ Jesus that were the first Churches of God (One Fold) headed by Christ Jesus (The Shepherd).
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Much confused Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
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