Surfer Girl: Alana Blanchard goes on epic Australian bikini tour with Rip Curl

2015-07-29 130

An epic summer bikini tour sounds like the best thing ever. And that's exactly what surfer [Alana Blanchard][1] embarks on on the latest episode of [Surfer Girl][2]. Alana travels with fellow surfers Nikki Van Dijk, [Bethany Hamilton][3], and Tyler Wright to Australia for a schedule packed with fun events. In addition to a photo shoot with *Women's Fitness* magazine, Alana and her friends also went to a school to speak to a packed house about the importance of maintaining a positive body image. The surfers explained to the students that it's okay to be yourself and that you don't need to worry about other people's opinions. We're sure this is one assembly these students will remember for a long time. The next stop on the epic bikini tour is the surfy Australian beach town of Torquay.

What do you think of this episode of Alana Surfer Girl? Tell us in the Comments.

*Music Credits: Dan Black "[Symphonies][4]"; Carousel "[Here Now][5]"; Baby Monsters "[City Of Lovers][6]"*


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