Reverend Yolanda Freedom Song UNPLUGGED Rehearsal

2015-07-29 6
Rev.Yolanda is a singer/songwriter/performance artist, and Interfaith Minister whose work as an Artist and Sacred Activist has earned him a place in The GLBT Hall Of Fame and he has now been inducted into the Blues Hall Of fame.

“A Gender Bending Gospel Celebration for The New Thought Generation” Taking traditional sounding melodies and instrumentation, Rev. Yolanda is creating new gospel songs with New Thought lyrics that affirm the God/Goddess within, and embraces the diversity of humankind.

Combining the talents of filmmaker iKE ALLEN, “Award-Winning” Photographer, Christina Gressianu and Reverend Yolanda, this film features a live stage show combined with interviews of Yolanda and the people she loves.

Sing along, dance & open your hearts and minds to the many faces of love with this 2015 THe iNcLUSive PRojECt film.