How To Make A Pumpkin Spice Martini-Drinks Made Easy

2015-07-28 21

Drinks Made Easy Present-How to make a Pumpkin Spice Martini. The Pumpkin Spic Martini mixed Drink Recipe is an absolute must for your fall Holiday celebrations. You can make it for Halloween or Thanksgiving, or even Christmas!

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We spend so much time over the holidays worrying about what food is going to be prepared that sometimes we forget to put some thought into our beverages. This year instead of "no-braining" it and going with whatever you can get that's easy, take a few minutes to learn this great drink. Your guest and/or your family, of drinking age of course, will thank you.

To make this drink you will need the following:

2oz Vanilla Flavored Vodka
1 /12 oz Irish Cream
1 1/2 oz Pumpkin Spice Liqueur
Ground Nutmeg and Cinnamon to "garnish"

In an ice filled shaker/str