Book - Chapter 12:- Swastika that represents Four Ages based upon Shame + Three qualities - 4.
Thus, in Mammon, empires were established and so the custom of buying and selling of the goods.
So, Shri Ram Chander Ji and Moses, the Law Makers or “Muryada Parshotam Avtars” were the First Prophets to teach the Moral Laws based upon the Solid Roots of “Oral Torah” or “His Word”. That is, Moses put on Christ and wrote the Scriptures. They stressed upon the Qualities of Mercy. Such Prophets are said to be the re-incarnation of “Vishnu”, the Preserver of Humanity.
For being Perfect in works, the people of this Age were called “Angels or Devtas”. They were wise men capable of handling their political affairs efficiently. There was no worship of idols but as the Age degraded, people became less knowledgeable twice-born and more natural once-born men, the simpletons. Then, the idol worship started and Brahmins used to teach the moral laws through mythological idols like that of Ganesh with elephant nose.
2. Brass Age or Doapar Yug (the Era of Moon with one-third Light): In this Age, most people had become devoid of "mercy" and "contentment". Thus, their love for Maya increased and they being mostly once-born could not understand the Holy Books. Brahmins/Rabbis also became less efficient and they could not control their congregations as well. People became “Egoistic” boastful and loved to see their own relatives in a poor state than themselves. Body building and gambling was prevalent among the simpletons but they lacked the political understanding. Thus, Pandeva lost their land and even their common wife Dropaudi in the gambling contest to their cousins Kairos. And to humiliate the Pandeva, the Kairos tried to disgrace Dropaudi by undressing her publically but Shri Krishan Baldev Ji, the Prophet of Doapar Yug protected her honour called “PATT” in Punjabi. Shri Krishan Baldev Ji as implied in his name (Krishan = Ray of Light; Baldev = Devta of Might), he was the incarnation of “Shiv” and for this reason, he is called “Neeti Parshotam Avtar”, where Neeti stands for political policies, Parshotam, the Seer or a person who guides you, Avtar = Prophet. People being simpletons, they could not resolve the political issues with their close relatives and so they sought the help of Shri Krishan Baldev Ji. Krishna urged them to fight for their rights but they didn’t want to fight with their close relatives. Then, Krishna assured them that there is nothing wrong in fighting for your rights and to kill the guilty person. Krishna showed Pandeva his Real Self that he is the Lord of Nature, “Mahadev or Shiv” and all the subjects of Nature belong to him. Then, they gave a good fight and won the battle of righteousness. If you remember that the favourite name of Krishna was “Gobinda”, then you should know that Royal King (Sachae Patshah) Gobind Rai Ji was his counterpart in supernatural Father God or Incarnation of ParShiv. More on this topic in the Four Communities of Religion.
By the end of this Age, most of the Rabbis/Brahmins had become corrupt but the sensible Rabbis/Brahmins left this top most profession in which nine out of ten religious qualities are perfected for the second best farming profession in which eight are perfected.
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Much confused Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Could anyone make a better job of my T-shirt design?:-