Tension in Turkey amid anger over airstrikes on Kurds and mass arrests

2015-07-26 67

Clashes have broken out in Turkey over the airstrikes on Kurds and the arrest of hundreds of people across the country.

Water cannon was used to break up demonstrators who gathered for the funeral of a woman killed on Friday.

The suspected member of the outlawed extreme-left Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party Front was shot during a police raid.

Authorities say the raids targeted suspected ISIL supporters, the PKK and the extreme-left group, with about 300 people arrested.

In Ankara, clashes broke out after people demonstrated against the suicide bomb attack by ISIL that killed 32 people in a mainly Kurdish town near the border with Syria.

They also demonstrated against the military action being taken by the government.

Many Kurds have blamed the government for the attack, saying it has refused to confront ISIL. Ankara denies the claims.

Some groups attempted to organise what they called a peace march in Istanbul on Sunday, but officials refused to give permission

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