CGR Undertow - POWER STRIKE II review for Game Gear

2015-07-24 1

Power Strike II video review. Shop CGR shirts & mugs! Power Strike II video review. Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow video review of Power Strike II for the Game Gear developed by Compile and published by SEGA. Got a pencil and some graph paper? You might need them to understand the story behind Power Strike II. It’s the English version of a Japanese Game Gear game called Aleste II and not to be confused with Power Strike II for the Master System, which is a completely different game from this Power Strike II. Once your headache goes away, though, actually playing Power Strike II is a lot of fun. This is an intense top-down SHMUP in the classic tradition, offering players a selection of weapons and lots of ways to power them up. Eventually, you become insanely powerful, which is a good thing. One of the coolest and most enjoyable shoot ‘em ups on the Game Gear, Power Strike II is a single-player game. This video review features video gameplay footage of Power Strike II for the Game Gear and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.