John Turturro picks up Lifetime Award at Jerusalem Film Festival

2015-07-24 9

The 32nd edition of the Jerusalem Film Festival kicked off with Hollywood glamour, as John Turturro attended the opening.

The US actor, writer and director, famous for his roles in films like ‘The Big Lebowski’, ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’ and more recently ‘Mia Madre’, was honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

The main goal of the festival is to showcase the nation’s rich film production. Israel has been nominated for more Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film than any other country in the Middle East.

Over the past years, Israel has increased both the quality and quantity of its films. The country enjoys good production facilities and a lot of talent. The subject matter is often the nation’s complex socio-political issues.

Genre films are a new phenomenon in Israel – ‘JeruZalem’ by brothers Doron & Yoav Paz is a zombie movie about American tourists in Jerusalem, who encounter an apocalypse in the gated city. The action is shown from the perspective of one of t