Black Francolin (Kala Teetar) Calling At Shah Allah Ditta, Islamabad, Pakistan!

2015-07-23 5

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This short clip is all about 'Black Francolin (Kala Teetar) Calling At Shah Allah Ditta, Islamabad, Pakistan'. Black Francolin are rare among most Francolinus species in that there is pronounced sexual dimorphism. The males have black faces, chin and breast separated by a chestnut collar; white cheek patches are the most noted feature, these oval-like patches are behind and slightly below the eye. The back mottled brown, sides barred with white; bill black, legs reddish brown with a small spur that develops with age. Females are brown with black and white barring; the most noted feature is the rust colored half-collar on the napoleon is found mainly on the back of the neck.

The male has a black head and breast flanks with white spots, rufous collar and belly, a brown crown and white cheek patches. The legs and feet are orange. The female is similar but dull, with no cheek patch, and the collar is replaced with a nuchal patch; head and underparts are buff where the male shows black. It eats plants and insects. It has a short direct flight.

Found in southern Asia from the Middle East, to India. Historically also found in southern Europe, but extirpated from there by over hunting and habitat destruction. Inhabits thick vegetation, brushy areas and tall grasslands; generally near water, and “mosaic” areas where forests and cultivated lands meet.

Black Francolin: Resident game bird endemic to Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, and India, this species was introduced to and established on Molokai, Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Lanai and Kauai. Prefers areas of thick vegetation, frequenting grasslands, thorn forests, and forest edges, and are usually found near water.

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