Book - Chapter 11:- John baptised in Abraham whilst that of Jesus is Eucharist - 2.

2015-07-23 15

Book - Chapter 11:- John baptised in Abraham whilst that of Jesus is Eucharist - 2.

Chapter 11

As stressed in the Chapter on Hajj, there are very few people who still have their tribal identities intact explicitly and such sensible solitary people of discerning intellect will understand “His Word” (Eat the Flesh of Jesus) and Preach Gospel from their own hearts (Drink the Blood of Christ). People with their tribal identities intact are mostly found in the Brazilian and African jungles and they will survive the Massive Atomic War Destruction to carry on re-populating the planet earth. That is, all those 144000 that are mentioned in the Revelations to be saved are the tribal people and not Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. So, become a son of Man to understand Gospel and earn your Salvation by Preaching Gospel from the Rooftops. This is the Golden Age of Christ for earning Salvation called clearing the Thrashing Floor.
Thus, the sons of Man or the tribal people with conscience, shame, Sharm or Hiya, the base for spirituality, live peacefully together and create a kingdom of heaven, which is a stepping stone to the Royal Kingdom of God that is within our own hearts or Emmanuel. Good Fetish Priests or Rabbis looked after their congregations as those of the Samaritan villages reflected in the Samaritan Woman at well, who engaged Jesus into deep spiritual discussion did whilst the bad Rabbis led their congregations to hell as the present hireling Dog-Collared Priests do in the Churches of Mammon through sectarian riots.
So, John, the Baptist, an Ideal (Levi) Rabbi Prophet Elijah or the Angel of Israel had the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven and he baptised the sons of Abraham, the “Salt of earth” with tribal Hiya or conscience. Such sensible adults of discerning intellect were capable of seeking the Narrow Gate to Royal Kingdom of God where the True Vine Christ Jesus had been planted by our Father.
Thus, Paving the Way is to make sensible people the sons of Abraham through the baptism in water, the cleansing agent for our physical body and it also represents the tribal seed or semen that is in the men and not in the women. So, after baptism the Jewish men in the name of Abraham, the men were said to be born of water. For women supplying the blood, the life or “soul”, they become the counterpart or reflections of God. As God is Universal and so are the women with no tribal seed of their own or a country. That is why woman came out of the rib of Adam and they are to be highly respected for procreation and services. Thus, men fight to defend their territories, the countries, their homelands whilst the women give them all the moral support or Shakti to fight well. Rabbis are school masters, Matt. 13v52, who discipline the once-born natural men to behave well for the kingdom of heaven otherwise they will kill each other as the animals do in the Jungles creating a kingdom of hell.
Let us ponder over the Baptism of John, the Baptist, last Prophet on earth – Luke 16v16: “Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist.” Transgression against the moral laws is a “sin” and that means no Rabbis after John, the Baptist and no sin to condemn anyone. Christianity being for the twice-born of Spirit, they need to be the sensible people of discerning intellect. The Parable of the Born-blind person whose eyes Jesus opened with His Spittle is an ideal example of a twice-born person of discerning intellect and such are the solitary people of both sexes, the spiritual men, which Jesus is looking for to become His Fishers of Men, the Apostles. He mocked the hypocrite blind Rabbis who tried to suppress him. Thus, when Jesus told his Labourers that these Rabbis are blind guides of the blind, a Pharisee over heard Him and he retorted, “Do you call me a blind guide?” Then, Jesus told him that if you are not blind of the moral laws, then by going against the moral laws knowingly, you are committing blasphemy, which is more serious than sins committed under the ignorance of the law. Sins are forgivable but not the blasphemy as out cried by the stooges of the Temple Priests at the Trial of Jesus.
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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