White House Criticized For Not Lowering Flag After Chattanooga Shootings

2015-07-21 103

The White House faces growing criticism for not lowering its flag to acknowledge the lives lost in the recent shootings in Chattanooga.

On Tuesday morning, it was announced that the flag at the U.S. Capitol building will be lowered to half-mast to honor those lost in the recent shootings in Chattanooga. 

The White House, however, has yet to do the same, and President Obama faces growing criticism for the lack of action.

Thus far, no explanation has been offered as to why the position of the flag at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue remains unchanged. 

Among those deeply upset by the matter is Representative Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee.

He told the Fox Business Network, "It needs to happen and it needs to happen soon. I don't know why it wouldn't...here we have five servicemen who've lost their lives. I can't imagine why it hasn't been