Ahmedabad: Gajanand Gupta, a resident of Isanpur, has registered a complaint against Pradipsinh Gohil, a constable with Maninagar police station, for demanding money and forcing him to continue his illegal business of Worli Matka in eastern city parts. During the trap at Isanpur police station, ACB team caught Gohil along with Suresh Rajput, a middleman for police. At that time, the duo was found in possession of Rs 30,000 given by Gupta. Gohil had forced Gupta to start his stand a month ago even as he had started working as a driver. Gohil had taken Rs 1.65 lakh out of proceedings of Rs 1.75 lakh from the matka trading from Gupta. When Gupta failed to pay remaining Rs 10,000, Gohil threatened to take action against him and demanded another Rs 30,000 as ' penalty.' Gupta had borrowed money for payment and had informed ACB about the illegal activity and seeks protection.
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