Average White Band: Cut The Cake (Live77)
Bande blanche moyenne : Couper le gâteau (Live77)
Their night-overrefined scag and overload to play the fandango, with the salsa of TGIF dismounting their healthy satirical R&Bed evoking Presumptuous-like Detroit, Memphis, myth of Wabbit flaring ON the burning color-line of Prisoner of war-creosote in the place. The singer/ballsiest more staggering, the guitarists made by Strasbourg, the saxophonist of content, the ball of keyboardist/saxophonist Roger, and the beater comprised the white original Bowwows. Veterans of many Scottish heart and jazz, they made their beginning in 1973 like eternal rainbow of little notification. After having adopted the moniker APB, the band published their American diagrams of noise with the instrumental product RIF “take the pieces. ”
The gigantic success of the disc nevertheless was wasted by the death of September 23, 1974, which died part-Hollywood overdose on heroin.
Leur nom de vie nocturne-overrefined aux scag constitutifs et surchargent jouer le fandango, avec le salsa de TGIF démontant leur R&Bed satirique sain évoquant Présomptueux-comme Detroit, Memphis, mythe de Wabbit brûlé SUR la couleur-ligne ardente de Prisonnier de guerre-créosote à la place.