Türkiye Genel Seçimleri: Tayyip Erdogan battles HDP in Turkey general elections, NMA Special

2015-07-15 6

ANKARA — Turkey will hold general elections on Sunday in what is widely considered a referendum on the country’s palace-building, protest-crushing, wannabe-sultan, President Tayyip Erdogan.

If his AK Party wins, Erdogan gets to rewrite the constitution and finally become a president whose power matches his ostentatious 1,000-room mansion. A mansion the opposite CHP, who are running with the slogan “we are applauding as a nation,”
claims boasts golden toilets seats.

Erdogan denies his ridiculously huge mansion is so opulent that it has golden toilet seats and says he’d resign if anybody found one.

This golden crapper debate between the main parties has captured pre-election headlines, as if there weren’t a war on Turkey’s southern border worth talking about.
Luckily, this year the HDP is running to bring some sense to the government.

Although the HDP is only the fourth-largest party, Turkish election law puts it in a position to make or break Erdogan’s presidential dreams. Running on a platform of human rights, equality, environment and peace, could June 7 be the HDP’s day?

Maybe, if the “cat lobby” stays out of the electrical grid until vote counting’s over this time.

For a more detailed explanation of the Turkish parliamentary system, please see our earlier animation: http://us.tomonews.net/233572971593728

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