Hungary: Protesters condemn 'absurd' anti-migrant border fence with Serbia

2015-07-15 31

Hundreds of people have demonstrated in Budapest against the project to build a fence along Hungary’s border with Serbia to stop migrants from coming in.

Immigration and the country’s stance towards it have caused sharp divisions.

The protest was organised by Hungarian migrant solidarity group MigSzol which has described the barrier as “evil and absurd”.

“I have no idea whether this fence will really be built, I hope it won’t. It costs a horrendous amount of money, its practical benefit is zero, it’s yet more embarrassment for Hungary, it will isolate our country even more, so it doesn’t make sense,” said Márk Zoltán Kékesi, an activist with Migrant Solidarity.

noborderserbia Now talking ! #nowall #budapest #refugee-fence #bringdownwallhungary— Migszol Csoport (MigSzolCsop) 14 Juillet 2015

The protesters tore up their own symbolic fencing, arguing that the money would be better spent on handling refugees, and that asylum seekers have a right to hav

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