Divine Elements Naturopathic Family and Wellness - Eczema

2015-07-14 1

http://www.divineelements.ca | 604-568-3735

Hi there, Dr. Nick Jensen here from Divine Elements Naturopathic Family and Wellness. I’m a Naturopathic Physician guiding my patients to their best health with natural medicine and what I’m really excited about is educating on lifestyle medicine so that people can have more energy, better quality of life and so they can prevent illness before it starts.

So today’s tips are on eczema and eczema is obviously a problem with the skin; it can be red, irritated, and it can be any degree of problem from just a nuisance to more serious which is directly affecting quality of life, creating a lot of stress.

So tip number one is to discover if you have any food or environmental sensitivities or allergies and this can usually be discovered through doing a blood test from your Naturopathic Doctor.

Step number two is to take a look at detoxification, maybe consider doing a cleanse or detox and to rehydrate the body and I usually recommend two-thirds of an ounce for every pound of body weight and when you implement a detox you help to decrease inflammation, help support your body’s natural elimination pathways and in doing so you also help to replete the nutrients that are often deficient such as B vitamins and other antioxidants.

So step number three is to consider getting some blood testing for vitamin D. Vitamin D is directly associated with inflammation and is correlated with, deficiency is correlated with eczema and when vitamin D is replete we often see symptoms for eczema go down considerably. Vitamin D can actually also be compounded into a cream through your local compounding pharmacist which can be a great relief symptomatically as well.

So you have my top three tips for resolving eczema.

I’m Dr. Nick Jensen from Divine Elements Naturopathic Family and Wellness, health care for the whole family.