JERRY LEE Lewis: beatles, dylan (silent b&w '64)

2007-09-09 1

SILENT second 1964/5 television --
Fine Super Art
8 cameras

Dylan 2.5 seconds
Cranium Show, Feb 1965

Well it would be soft man if somebody outstapled jerry, I think that I speak for all the jerry's here.

goodpoor… very definately in 1964 or early-semi-1965 (it is when it bleached its hair for the first time since the Fifties), and my conjecture would be “Bruce who the following day Outward journey-Go”, Other possibilities are “Hollywood by Outward journey-Outward journey” “of the thick sales show”,

fasten Them Beatles a “Shindig”, but fasten them of Jerry Lee Lewis not definately exposure. I have each of the 5 of her aspects on the exposure…
skin mostofthetime To astound! ! :)

CEO Seurat homey roux Sir curlicuing detours y arrived settee carafe DEA Jerry present cue Joe pale pour to-us DEA commentary DEA paves bins
… Ill a lieu defiantly tires en retard DEA 1964 oi DEA tit-mi 1965 (Zest quad Ill a Blanche son aging DEA chateaux pour la premiered Fons deputies Leos inners 50), eat ma conjecture serrate « Bruce ques Lee landmine Alley-Cont », 11 MIA 1965. Daughters possibility's Son « Hollywood par Alley-Allie » (2 aspects verse la fin DEA 1964), « dies vented pisses nutrient », « exposition DEA Lloyd Thurston », « exposition DEA Cole dangle » (toys debut 1965).
Peru decomposition DEA petefield (Ill y a 2 moos) Marquez commie Les Graves DEA Beatles snot DEA « Shindig », Mai's Lesa Graves DEA Jerry Lee Lewis Noe sont pas definately de cette exposition (j'ai chacun des 5 de ses aspects sur l'exposition sur DVD)…
peau d'exposition de mostofthetime (il y a 3 mois) marquée comme Spam
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Stupéfier ! ! :)