Create email account 2015 : Gmail interface
Touring the Gmail interface Here is a quick intro to where to find the things you need in Gmail so you'll be prepared for when I talk about them in later videos. I'll start right at the top and we will go clockwise. Right up here at the top is the navigation bar of all the global products that you now have access to with your Gmail account--for example YouTube, Google Drive, and Calendar. Right below that is the main search bar to search your Gmail account. Further over here on the right is your actual Gmail account settings and profile information.
Below that is the Gmail button to switch between Gmail, Contacts, and Tasks. Up next is the action bar where you can act on any selected email in your inbox. Further over to the right is how to navigate through long pages of emails. For example in the Inbox view right now, I'm looking at message 1 to 25 out of 32 messages. To get to the next page I can click this right button. The gear icon is how to access all my Gmail settings and to change themes.
So, let's continue all the way over to the bottom left-hand of the screen. This is where I can see my Google talk chat status and all my contacts for instant messaging right in Gmail. Continuing up, this is my folder and label pane to access any of my folders that I've made and my labels and any circles of people that I have in all my Google+ circles. I know I'm currently in the inbox right now because it's red, and over here is my main message pane right in the middle of the screen.
This is where I can see all my conversation threads and all my new emails. Any email they haven't read yet--so it's unread--is going to be in boldface. Email that I have already looked at isn't boldface. I can place checkmarks beside any emails and you'll notice that the action pane becomes larger, because I can now act on these emails. I can also star an email to mark it as a visual label. We will talk about that later. And I can also click this button to train Gmail according to what emails are important and what isn't.
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