CultureTECH iPad Interviews - Matthew Scott

2015-07-10 36

Matthew Scott talks digital futures and guacamole in the Culture Tech: The iPad Interviews Series.

Matt is Co-Founder and CEO | Strategy building Navada's commercial base and is a leader in developing business models for Navada and it's clients. He is steering the client base and is building great relationships that will help build Navada's IP division: Futures.

He's a digital veteran with over 15 years in the industry working with global brands and is a digital zealot. Relationships are key to Navada's business and future development and this is where his charms come into their own.

The Culture Tech iPad Interviews were filmed by Navada Motion on behalf of the Culture Tech Festival, Derry

To find out more what Navada Group can offer or to talk to Matt about commercial models visits