Sindh Assembly Should Pass A Bill To Send The Oppressive Rangers Back Altaf Hussain

2015-07-07 367

MQM Founder and Leader Altaf Hussain has asked Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah and all members of the Sindh Assembly to pass a bill that we do not need the oppressive Rangers. He made this demand while talking to the office-bearers of different wings of the MQM at Nine Zero.
“We will hold a sit-in at the Chief Minister House against the repressive actions, arbitrary arrests, torture, and extra-judicial killings by Rangers. If the opened fire on the participants of the sit-in, the Rangers and Rangers’ captain will be responsible for the consequences.”
Mr Hussain said the Rangers issued a press release that they would arrest MQM’s unit in-charges and sector in-charges because the Tanzeemi Committee of the MQM gives them training of militancy while there is no Tanzeemi Committee in the MQM for quite some time now.
“Neither Chief Minister Sindh nor the judiciary took notice of this statement by Rangers. Had the courts been free, they would have taken notice and sought an explanation as to such illegal statement was issued. They would have warned the Rangers that if they arrested anyone illegally action would be taken against them for violating the law and the constitution.”
He regretted that rights organizations were silent about serious violations of human rights in Sindh, particularly Karachi. “International organizations should raise their voice on the injustices committed against Mohajirs, Sindhis, Balochis, and Pakhtuns in Pakistan.”
Condemning the action of giving additional powers to FIA, he warned PM Nawaz Sharif that these powers will be used against him in future. “We had opposed the setting up of special courts in the past by Nawaz Sharif. We had told him that these courts would be used against him but he did not listen. It was one of the special courts that passed sentenced against him.”
“Those anchors, analysts and political leaders who are accusing MQM of getting money from RAW should fight the Indian Army along with PM Nawaz Sharif, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif, DG ISI and DG Rangers Maj Gen Bilal for liberating Kashmir and taking a revenge of the 1971 defeat.”
“We don’t need motorways and big development projects. We want Kashmir to be liberated. Rangers should be sent for liberating Kashmir.”
Mr Hussain said that several army actions have been done in Balochistan by calling Balochi people Indian agents. Army action was done in Sindh and its capital Karachi. Thousands of innocent people were killed but nothing happened in the Punjab.
During the Nizam-e-Mustafa movement of 1977, the army opened fire on protestors in Karachi, Balochistan and NWFP but the army officers refused to open fire on protestors in front of Punjab Assembly in Lahore saying they could not open fire on their brothers.
Mr Hussain asked MQM office-bearers to write letters to international organizations and inform them about the injustices being done to Mohajirs, Sindhis, Balochis and Pakhtuns in Pakistan.

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