Book - Chapter 6:- What is the difference between Belief and Faith - 3?

2015-07-06 6

Book - Chapter 6:- What is the difference between Belief and Faith - 3?


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Remembering that Christ Jesus came among us because the manly Priests of Moses had become corrupt and erring. It was to supersede the manly Priests that Christ Jesus gave us Gospel as the Light of God so that by understanding, Eating the Flesh of Jesus, and Preaching the Gospel, Drinking the Blood of Christ, we can guide our own lives into the Royal Kingdom of God independently.

Thus, when you are capable of Preaching Gospel, then you are a “Royal Priest” and when you are contented with your lot, then you are a “Royal King”. But most of the present clerics are the "hirelings" of Mammon who are neither the hereditary Priests of Moses nor the Roving Preacher or the Royal Priests of Jesus making the situation worse than before the arrival of Christ Jesus – Matt. 12v43-45. In fact, they are the "hired" evil-spirited psychics of Mammon, who brain wash the people by making them to sing the songs of Jesus but indirectly help the monarchs to expand their kingdoms of Beast.

Further, the pneumatics re-new their inner "man", the Christ and not the inner "woman", a blind follower, every day. The inner self of a person, whether in flesh the person is a male or a female, is a "man" when the person is led by his own logical Reasoning capabilities (intuition) with a crystal clear conscience of a little child-like. And it is a "woman" when the person lets his own conscience to be over ruled by the others such as the Pope, clerics of Mammon, etc., and the anti-christs, who impose their own views upon their blind followers. This is also called the "prostitution of soul" and it is against the very FREE spirit of Gospel in which every one of us gives his own account to God.

Thus, Gnostically speaking "Belief" is the Road to Salvation which Christ Jesus paved with the stepping stones of Gospel and "Faith" in God is our journey, which is measured by the depth of soil into which the Seed of Gospel takes its roots; "Hope" in Holy Spirit, our Reward, is the "moisture" that nourishes our religious plant; "Love" of our Royal Father, Agape, is the cool and refreshing air that tenderly blows through our hearts and the "Knowledge" of Gospel is the Light of the Royal Kingdom of God that enables us to perceive the Narrow Road that leads to our Father’s Vineyard where the True Vine Christ Jesus exists to which we must Graft ourselves to bring forth the "Fruit" of our labour, the Preaching of Gospel, that pleases our Father Who puts in His Sickle to harvest the ripe Crop.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
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Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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