Book - Chapter 6:- What is the difference between Belief and Faith - 1?

2015-07-06 23

Book - Chapter 6:- What is the difference between Belief and Faith - 1?


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Most people do not care to differentiate between "Belief" and "Faith" and, therefore, such messages as "Have Faith in God" when people do not act according to Gospel, make no sense.

Belief called "DIN" in Urdu is the forerunner of Faith called "EEMAN". Thus, you act according to your beliefs and your deeds generate faith in what you had believed in. And if you happened to follow others without having your own beliefs, then you are a blind believer and have a blind faith as well. On the other hands those who act in accordance with the Gospel are said to be the enlightened believers and their faith is not blind. In short, the people who understand the Gospel and put It into practice believe in God and they have a "Faith in God". Thus, those people who have a deep faith in God are given a greater ability to understand Gospel.

The significance of "Belief and Faith" is well stressed by Christ Jesus in the Parable of Sower in which Jesus or His Apostles are the Sowers of "His Word", the "Seed", whilst the capability of understanding "His Word" and transforming It into Faith is depicted by the various types of people or the depths of soil. This Parable also outlines the characteristics of the three members of trinity or the three types of people known as "hylic", the people of flesh, "psychic", the clever people of "evil spirit" with doubting minds and "pneumatic", the people of "holy spirit" who have firm Faith in God. In Matt.13.33, these three types of people also form the three layers of flour into which the Woman, our Mother "Holy Spirit", hid the Leaven of "His Word" to form a huge single Loaf of Bread, the Body of Jesus, the Church of God Congregation.

Thus, we have in St. Luke 8v5: "A Sower (Jesus and His Roving Apostles) went out to Sow (Preach) His Seed: and as He sowed (into the hearts of people), some fell by the wayside or footpath (This type of soil represents the "once-born" hylic people of the "flesh", who are incapable of understanding or grasping "His Word" because they are normally led by the natural animal "instincts". Such people normally respond to child psychology and they will go by the "Tit-for-Tat" moral laws of Moses. Because they lack "spirit" to understand the Gospel, their deeds are governed by "blind faith" e.g. the widow's mite and the cheating of the simpletons by the American televangelists.); It was trodden down (Gospel being for the sensible people of spirit, the hylic people would interpret it by the very "letters" of Gospel which leads to misinterpretation. For example, the most pious married Samaritan woman of John 4 is proclaimed by the theologians of the "letters" as a prostitute and Matt.19, the Parable of so-called marriage and divorce is also very much misinterpreted. This is called the treading over the "Precious Pearls" of Gospel); and the fowls of air (sensible people of spirit) devoured It (picked up the sense out of the utterances made by the hylic men of letters and they took the Gospel to their hearts to generate "faith").

And Some fell down upon rocky soil (these are the twice-born people of "spirit" who have the ability to understand the Gospel but they lack confidence or faith in God and half-heartedly they put "His Word" into practice i.e. their faith in God is not firm or deep but doubting. Their faith is rather as shallow as the rocky soil. Such persons cannot stand the testing times and, therefore, as soon as the plant of faith sprung up and faced the Prince of Darkness, it withered away (left the Way of God) because the person lacked guts, the moisture).

And Some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked It (these are also the twice-born persons of "holy spirit", who understand Gospel, believe in and put into practice "His Word" through Preaching, i.e. they have full faith in God but being involved in the secular world of Mammon, the worldly temptations, the "thorns" that do not let them make a "headway". Thus, these are the "pneumatics", which go by the "logic" and they do not exploit the once-born simpletons but their faith in God is choked by the worldly temptations).

And Other fell on good ground (these are the "pneumatics", who have set themselves free of the Mammon, and thus the "worldly temptations", by selling their personal possessions and renouncing the ways of secular world in order to become the "Apostles or Roving Preachers" in honour of their Elder Brother and Bridegroom Christ Jesus. Such people have pledged their lives to serve God only - Matt.4v10: Then saith Jesus unto him. Get thee hence, Satan; for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Father God, and Him only shalt thou serve. Also, the rich young man who wanted to be "Perfect", Jesus advised him to give his ...