Book - Chapter 5:- What part natural age plays in learning Gospel or Logos - 3?
Chapter 5
Age for Gospel
Hearing of "His Word" by the sensible adults with receptive ears and producing of fruit through receiving the pollen grains of "His Word", the New Treasures, from God-fearing Pharisees used to be the normal practice when the Pharisees were ideal as defined by Jesus in Matt.13.52: "Therefore, every teacher of the (moral) law who has been instructed about the Royal Kingdom of God is like the (hereditary) owner (Priest) of a house (temple), who brings out of his storeroom (of knowledge) New Treasures (His Word passed on in the form of Oral Torah) as well as old (the written moral laws of Moses)".
Now, keeping in view Matt. 6v24:"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Mammon", the Pharisees had become greedy and materialistic and, therefore, they corrupted the moral laws of Moses in order to satisfy their material lusts. This was like making holes in the old cloth (written moral laws) that had been passed through many hands. As the Pharisees started to love Money and to hate God, God took away "His Word" or Oral Torah from such swine; they were left only with the dead "letters" of Moses.
Therefore, such corrupt Pharisees were unable to pollinate the "ears" of the people with the grains of "His Word". In other words, the Pharisees themselves were not producing any fruit, how could they encourage the others to do so? Thus, the Pharisees through the application of moral laws by the "letters" could produce only the healthy people, the stalks, physical bodies, like Saul, Peter, Nicodemus, etc. but not any fruit.
Now, a healthy plant being essential for producing fruit in abundance that Jesus recommended to His Labourers in Matt. 23v2-3:"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So, you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they teach". Saul did what his teacher Gamaliel told him to do.
An example of ideal Levi Priest was Prophet Elijah, Angel of Israel, John, the Baptist. He loved God and not the Money. Therefore, he lived a simple celibate life in wilderness preparing people morally sound and suitable enough for Jesus to pollinate their ears with the grains of "His Word".
Thus, Saul and Nicodemus were both healthy plants (stalks) but Saul being still young, the "silk" threads of his "ears" were still tender and sticky enough to receive the pollen grains of "His Word" and, therefore, he was capable of receiving "His Word" without a physical re-birth; whereas the "silk" threads of the "ears" of the old Nicodemus had not only gone dry but they had also fallen off the "ears" with the result that even if a shower of the pollen grains of "His Word" had fallen on his "ears", he would not have been able to understand and receive "His Word" to produce the fruit.
Therefore, the only way that was left for Nicodemus to understand and receive "His Word" was to take a physical re-birth or re-incarnation in order to re-produce tender and sticky receptive "silk" threads in his "ears". The degree of spiritual blindness that the letters had produced in Saul towards "His Word" was signified by the thickness of scales that came off his eyes when Jesus opened his Fourth Eye to "Holy Spirit" through Grace.
Therefore, everybody is not capable of understanding "His Word" and It cannot be learnt by the letters in the colleges and universities in the manners of other subjects but It is Preached in spirit to the sensible people and It is understood through logical "Reasoning" only. Out of the sensible people, one who understands and multiply It through Preaching is called the "wise man" and he produces fruit whilst the others who try to misuse holy spirit and therefore, "His Word", God not only takes away "His Word" from them but also leaves them in a state of great confusion.
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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