PTCL Eidee Offer Winners (1st Lucky draw)

2015-07-05 7

We are pleased to announce the Lucky Winners of ‪PTCL Eidee Offer‬ selected through first Lucky Draw held on 1st July-2015. ‪‎
Warmest‬ ‪Congratulations‬ to the Winner of ‪‎HondaCity‬ Car - Mahmood Aziz Khan from Sialkot and to all 5 winners of ‪Hero Motorcycles‬.
Hurry Up! Now - Phir Na Kehna Keh Gari Nikal Gai...
You may be the next Lucky Winner. Just pay your current PTCL bill by its due date to enter into the 2nd ‪LuckyDraw‬ to be held on 14th July, 2015.