Battle for Italy's olive trees: deadly bacteria devastating groves in Apulia

2015-07-03 2

The spectre of an agricultural catastrophe hangs over southern Italy with the spread of a bacteria that is devastating olive tree groves. Xylella fastidiosa kills plants by preventing them from absorbing water. It is a threat not just to olive trees but also to a range of nut and fruit-producing plants and the European Union is monitoring the outbreak nervously.

The Italian authorities have taken measures to contain the outbreak in the Apulia region but the disease has already been detected in at least one location north of a specially-created buffer zone.

Complicating matters further, there are disagreements over the causes and treatment of this devastating disease. As Hans von Der Brelie found out when he went to the affected region there are even claims that the Mafia are involved, using the natural disaster as a pretext to boost property development.

Click on the video to see his report in full.


Giuseppe Silletti: The enemy’s name is Xylella

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