That is the overall message coming from EU leaders and the head of the euro zone’s ministers’ Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem.
“There will be no talks in the coming days, either at Eurogroup level or between the Greek authorities and the institutions on proposals or financial arrangements. We will simply await now the outcome of the referendum on Sunday” said Jeroen Dijsselbloem.
But France’s President François Hollande said a deal must be reached before Sunday to avoid political uncertainty.
He also added it was the duty of other euro zone members as well as Greece to keep the country in the single currency area.
“Now is not the time for vetoes or “intransigent statement” but for dialogue,” François Hollande added.
Hollande didn’t say who he was referring to but he may have had German policymakers in mind, who’ve made increasingly tough declarations on Athens.
Chancellor Angela Merkel sought to ease tensions after talks with Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
She said no