UN nuclear watchdog travels to Iran

2015-07-01 1

The head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog is travelling to Tehran to talk with President Rouhani in an effort to make a breakthrough on a deal before a new deadline expires next week.

US Secretary of State John Kerry and Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif held one on one talks in Vienna on Wednesday.

Both US and Iranian negotiators appeared positive about a resolution, saying that progress is being made.

One major sticking point remains over allowing inspectors access to Iranian military sites. Western countries suspect Tehran of seeking the ability to create a nuclear weapon. Iran insists its nuclear programme is peaceful.

Euronews correspondent Reihaneh Mazaheri in Vienna sums up:

“Despite another deadline extension to the Iran nuclear talks, both sides expressed hope of achieving an agreement.The diplomats pointed to a political determination( political will) as well as certain steps which have been taken towards the final deal.”