This year marks the 65th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War. Among the soldiers who participated in the war, nearly 6,000 of them were from New Zealand. And for the very first time, a documentary is being made about these Korean War veterans in New Zealand.
In Israel, a country that witnessed the massacre of Jews more than 70 years ago, constant trauma treatment is being provided for not only the survivors but also their children and grandchildren. What kind of efforts are being made to treat the Holocaust victims and their families? Meet Holocaust survivors.
The Philippines welcomes more than 1 million tourists every year. It's also a country where about 100,000 Koreans live in. However, for the past few years, the number of violent crimes targeting Koreans has been rising. To prevent further crimes, the Korean community came together with the Philippine Police and built a police outpost in Manila.
The Vienna Boys' Choir is famous for their 'angelic voices.' In its 520-year history, the choir appointed its first ever female conductor from Korea for one of its boys' choirs. Meet Kim Bo-mi and the stories of her dream and passion.
At this year's national barista competition in Australia, there were two winners from Korea, each winning in a different category.They recently went on to represent Australia at the World Coffee Event (June 16-18) held in Sweden.