Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was elected President of Croatia this January, winning by the narrowest of margins. Though her post is largely ceremonial she has a clear vision for her country and the Balkans which she shared with Euronews journalist Isabelle Kumar.
It’s 20 years since the Dayton Peace Accords were signed, yet the spectre of intra-ethnic violence still casts its shadow over the region. The president laid some of the blame on the EU and NATO but also recognised that several of the EU hopefuls had not kept up with the necessary reforms process.
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović is the first female president of Croatia
She was elected President of Croatia in January 2015
She won by a very narrow margin garnering 50.7 % of the vote
In Croatia, the presidency is a largely ceremonial post, with some say on foreign policy and defense
Kitarović was formerly foreign minister and also a senior Nato official
The EU and Nato need to send firm messages to the region
“The European Uni