The body of a rower

2015-06-26 5

What is the physical secret of a successful rower?

Coaches like Josy Verdonkschot (Head Coach Women + Lightweight NED), Ian Wright (coach Switzerland) and Paul Thompson (Head Coach women and Lightweight GBR) talking about the perfect physical shape and skills for rowing.
Rowing is one of the hardest physical sports in the world. You have to be fit from head to toe. The coaches describe rowing as a mixture of endurance and power where you have to use every muscle of your body to be a successful rower.
But nobody has the complete package, for example somebody is stronger physiologically than another one who has little bit more feel and that’s the point what makes rowing so interesting.

All these facts are summarize in one clip with impressive shots of the Rowing European Championships in Poznan (POL) and the second World Cup in Varese (ITA).