Madhur Bhandarkar has been keeping his upcoming project Calendar Girls under wraps ever since the film went on floors. From making the entire crew sign an NDA to banning mobile phones on the sets, the filmmaker ensured no information leaks from the sets.
We only got a glimpse of the poster and know that five sizzling hot models will feature in the movie. Now we know a lil’ bit more! Mr. Bhandarkar has completed the final leg of the shoot, and the trailer will be out soon.
Madhur Bhandarkar’s upcoming film revolves around 5 super models who rose to fame after they featured on famous calendars.
Also starring Avani Modi, Akanksha Puri, Satarupa Pyne, Ruhi Singh and Kyra Dutt, Calendar Girls will be produced by Bhandarkar Entertainment and Mangal Murti Films PVT. LTD.
It marks the debut of all five hotties in the industry and will hit theaters on 7th August, 2015.