In a sharp attack on the BJP over the Lalitgate, Congress said it should tell its "black money stooges to not rely on red-herrings" and the government answer to people about accusations levelled at External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje. Congress' chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said that Swaraj and Raje helped a fugitive accused of "fraud of gigantic proportions" and noted how Swaraj spoke to the British envoy in India to help Lalit Modi without consulting with her ministry officials. Raje, he added, gave an affidavit to the UK government in his favour with a condition that it should not be made known to Indian authorities. "The government must explain why they did it." He also asked the Centre to release official communication of the interaction between then Finance Minister P Chidambaram and his British counterpart in which Chidambaram strongly pushed for deportation of Lalit Modi from UK to India.