Volkswagen Helps People Help Themselves

2015-06-25 1

In the country at the Cape of Good Hope, social responsibility is not just a buzzword, but is brought to life in manifold ways. Volkswagen Group’s main focus for the region rests on education and on helping people to help themselves. Nonkqubela Maliza, Director of Corporate and Governmental Affairs at Volkswagen Group South Africa, explains: “We think on a long-term basis and always ask whether our contribution will ensure sustainable progress in the community.”

Those interested in how Volkswagen Group’s approach to sustainability differs from just distributing money indiscriminately, may find the automaker’s new sustainability report insightful. For the first time, the report includes essays by Board of Management members on economically, environmentally and socially responsible conduct as well as articles focusing on current issues. The Volkswagen 2014 sustainability report is available at

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