2015-06-23 3

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Escapist News Now with Andrea Rene
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Xbox Always-ON DRM A Reality?

Yesterday on Twitter, a Creative Director at Microsoft Studios named Adam Orth got into an exchange with a Bioware employee about the public outcry against the "always-on" connection requirement. Let's just say, the internet did not like what Orth had to say.

He started by saying he didn't understand what the fuss was about, that in today's society, everything is "always on." Stating "Sometimes the electricity is out. I won't buy a vacuum cleaner. The mobile reception in the area I live in is spotty and unreliable. I won't buy a mobile phone." He used the hashtag #DealWithIt.

When challenged on Twitter with the issues DRM caused with Diablo 3 and Sim City, saying "deal with it" is an unfair response and connectivity is an issue, Orth wrote back "Why on Earth would I live there?" referring to places with connectivity issues.

Okay, so first, Orth, otherwise known as "Sweet Billy" clearly forgot that Twitter is public, regardless if his comments were sincere or trolling. He has sinced made his feed private but not before reddit and NeoGaf got screencaps of his tweets.

Why is this a big deal? Well you have an official Microsoft Studios employee trolling less privileged people by saying "deal with it." That is a major problem. Second, is this a confirmation that yes the Xbox IS going to have an always online connection? I sure hope not, but it kind of sounds like it.


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